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web art
Genesis |
Genesis http://rhizome.org/object Rhizome artbase link,2001
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statement |
In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth light and darkness-
God said, "Let there be light", and there was light God saw that the
light was good, and he seperated the light from the darkness
sky-"Let there be an expanse between the waters to seperated water
from water... Art is a (musical) variation, as life does. When you listen to
the music of Bach, it makes different feeling by whom it is played.
The variation of nature and human being which a great number of
artist represented before was already played in different way with
its own originality. For me, the net canvas is another
representation of nature by colour of Window. Window is not only the
way it looks but also an inevitable basis of existence in
cyberspace. If the history of fine art is against the frame of
canvas, Web Art will be founded on the Window, a element of being.
This Window which contains Numerous contents is the Gaia, the mother
earth. Cyberspace is extension of our lives and also the other
worlds. it is the mode of life and situation. You can't put new wine
in old bottles. the new way of playing with new instrument will make
anew variation.
login |
login http://rhizome.org/object Rhizome artbase link, 2001 |
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artificial world is already built up in the simulacre, a place where
Reality has been inversed by cyberspace, and the system of this
artificial world is also set up. In the Cybersociety, which could be
the most important word? 'Cyber' or 'society' or 'System'? Whenever
you want to resister a program or log in, you need to send some
information. Privacy in cyberspace means to prevent plagiarism of
identification or private database. If some information is on the
net, it could be hacked and revealed by someone. we are under cyber
surveillance.Privacy is not a matter of something that you want to
hide, but a matter of private information. We have to have our own
right to keep our privacy in cyberspace, and to restrict private
information within our permission. This Defect of Cyber-system is my
attacking point at THIS WORK. |
what's your icon? |
what's your icon?
http://rhizome.org Rhizome artbase link , 2005 |
statement |
icon /akn/ (icons)
1. N-COUNT : usu with supp
If you describe something or someone as an icon, you mean that they are important as a symbol of a particular thing.
An icon is a picture of Christ, his mother, or a saint painted on a wooden panel.
An icon is a picture on a computer screen representing a particular computer function. If you want to use it, you move the cursor onto the icon using a mouse.[ COMPUTING ]
netart exhibition |
my workwhat's your icon?
Rhizome Guest-Curated Exhibitions
statement |
Curated by Michael Connor
Head of Exhibitions, BFI Southbank, Former Curator, FACT Liverpool
Including work by: Paul Slocum, Ian Haig, oddible, Katie Lips, Joao Simoes, capitalism, Eddo Stern, Paul Stringer, JODI, Beat Brogle and Philippe Zimmermann, Gustavo Romano, Sinae Kim and Olia Lialina
"The obsolete holds the key to the future. We must excavate our path forward from yesterday's remains."
Alice in the wonderland |
Alice in wonderland V2.0
Alice in wonderland
Alice in wonderland
Alice in wonderland |
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Althogh people live in real world, dreaming of fantasy world. However, I sometimes think that
it is far easier to believe in fiction novel than to believe in things happening in actual world.
The most important current world issue is war and terror. I had read the book-fateful triagle(by Noam Chomsky), dealing
in realtionship among US, israel and PLO. I have learned that these nations have historically deep connectional root.
The Iraq war and much of President Bush's foreign policy have influenced on world movement. I sometimes feel that we live
in wonderland like Alice. We live in the pool of tears and conflict with each other constantly. Giant man(
the rich, strong nations etc) go on growing , he always command us to choose something in having no choice.
hyper poem |
hyper poetry
please, don't block pop-up!
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"hyper poetry"(next text)- keyword
"poetry is moving of mind"
hypertext consists of link and text.
hypertext languge creats extralinguistic text(sound, image...)
HTML(hyper text markup languge)
mutimedia text
thanks Yeats, Whitman,Thomas,Hopkins.......