concept I
dream about harmonious relationship among human, nature, and machines.
Machines are becoming a sort of second nature for society. We actually
feel more comfortable and natural when we are living surrounded by machine.
My art work is about the complexity of consciousness, ecological systems
and our own artificial environments.
These days we are surrounded by artificial environment rather
than natural environment.We coexist with humans, other animals, autonomous
mobile robots, artificial life creatures. The relation between organism
and machine has been border war. machine have made thoroughly ambiguous
the difference between natural and artificial, mind and body, self-developing
and externally designed, and many other distinctions that used to apply
to organisms and machines. Machine and organism, physical and non -physical
, between them, there is no fundamental and ontological division.
My project -fireflies- is about communication among human, nature
and machine. Artificial life in the environment is artificial systems
that mimic the properties of living systems. Many scientists have been
dealing for many years with certain structures within animal brains
that seemed to be interpretable as pieces of computing machinery because
of their simplicity and regularity.The main idea behind Artificial Intelligence
is that human beings and animals acquire knowledge from their environment
and manipulate it in an efficient manner. Machine have also ability
to sense and respond. Communication in insects and people differ in
many ways. Insect communication can result in such responses as alarm,
attraction, grooming, exchange of food, and recognition. Fireflies are
actually beetles that can make flashes of light. these beetles use different
codes of flashes to find and communicate with each other. my work "fireflies"
is an art installation that is communicating robot in real time . The
firefly robots are responded to each other and human, and simultaneously
move with a vibrating motor . through radio transmitter and receiver,
fireflies communicate with each other .
Our interactions with machine-based communication tools have become
a daily fact of life. The most recent communication systems have machines
providing information to machines. I explore the communication among
human to machine, machine to machine , and human to nature. we will
find ourselves interacting with machines more and more frequently."The
machine is not an 'it' to be animated, worshipped, and dominated." Rather,
" The machine is us, our processes, an aspect of our embodiment. We
can be responsible for machines; they do not dominate or threaten us."
Through integrating information processing technologies into kinetic
sculpture I explore new meaning and method of interaction.
Technical information
LED, vibrating motor, radio
transmitter and receiver, microcontroller, sensor
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Image movie

technical statement
technical map
1. Machine- machin communication
1) Led - radio transmitter
and receiver
Each species of firefly has a different kind of flash pattern
when radio transmitter send some information, it trigger LED
2. Machine- human communication
1)sensor - Microcontroller
- vibratingMotors
The firefly robots respond to each other and human by detecting movement
fireflies move autonomously. when sensor detect movement, firefly move
Led - radio transmitter and receiver
Each species of firefly has
a different kind of flash pattern
when radio transmitter sends some information, it triggers LED
Large imgae